Eco Active for schools at Bryanston School
contact allsportsclub@gmail.com for details
We believe it is now more important than ever for children to spend time learning about their environment and how to protect it. Each day, your group will focus on a different environmental topic such as Biodiversity, Energy, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living, Litter and Waste, Transport and Water. These topics are linked to the national curriculum and will be tailored for your specific group. Some of our popular sessions include the following:
*A bee is not just a bee - why bees are important!
Discover why bees are so important for our planet and how we can help save them. Meet the Bryanston Bees with an onsite visit to the honeybee colonies.
*Sustainable cities
Learn all about the key features of a sustainable city and how you can play your part such as walking or cycling to school. Pupils can join our 'safe cycling' session where they will be taught the basics of cycling in a traffic free, safe environment and will earn our special eco-active safe cycling badge!* The Energy crisis
A look at how renewable energy production and energy conservation can help to solve the current energy crisis.
*From field to fork
Understand where our food comes from with a hands on visit to the Bryanston Orchard and vegetable garden. Handpick some fruit and vegetables and who knows it may even make it's way onto your plate for dinner!
*Tree planting - tree jumping
See and hear about Bryanston School's tree planting scheme. Then get hands on in the trees with a visit to the nearby Moore Valley Country Park where your group can participate in a 'Go Ape' Tree Top Adventure.
*Eco - Charity pitch
One of our favourite activities involves children working in small groups to produce and deliver a presentation to persuade their peers to vote for their chosen environment focused charity. Each school's winning team, will represent their school, pitching to the panel of Eco- Active experts in the school's main hall. The winning charity will be adopted by the Eco-Active Course for that week. All Sports Club will donate £10 per Eco-Active participant to the winning charity.
Getting active during your Eco- Active course
A unique aspect of the Eco Active course is that your pupils will have the chance to experience a range of sports, games and activities during your stay. Using Bryanston's brilliant sport and leisure facilities (2 sports halls, a swimming pool, 4 squash courts, acres of sports pitches and a dance studio) an exciting activity programme of sports will be delivered by our Activity Leaders to suit your groups interests. Activities that can be arranged include 5 aside football, dodge-ball, badminton, netball, unihockey, climbing, archery and orienteering. There will also be an opportunity for your children to swim each day in Bryanston's excellent life-guard monitored school pool. A fun-run/ walk around the school grounds can also be incorporated into the course.
Suggested Teacher - Pupil ratio
ASC Eco-Active staff will lead 3 sessions each day. Teachers are welcome to participate in these but will not be required to prepare or plan anything. During the non-session times, school teachers will be required to supervise the children and so 1 free place for a teacher is available for every 10 pupils on the course.
A partnership with trip leaders
We want to offer a bespoke Eco-Active course for your group so we will work closely with the school group leader; tailoring the exact timetable to suit the needs of your children. We can assist with providing Risk Assessments for your trip, pre trip material to share with parents and speaker notes if you are planning an information evening.
Who's invited?
This course can be tailored to the needs of children in Years 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. An Eco-Active course will serve as an excellent, inclusive whole- year group trip; we can cater for groups of up to 100 children. Equally, it could be the perfect course for your school's Eco- committee.
Travel to Dorset
A study by the Department for Transport/National Atmospheric Emission Inventory found that coach travel has the least harmful environmental impact out of every mode of transportation, excluding cycling and walking and for this reason we will be transporting your group to Dorset by coach. If you prefer to travel by train we can arrange this; please ask.
The Eco-Active course can be tailored to your exact requirements, prices per pupil start at £575 for 4 nights.
This price will include a £10 per pupil donation by ASC Eco- Active to the week's chosen annual environmental charity.
Contact us for more details